Tag Archives: Angel Mieres

Venezuelan artist Angel Mieres is putting color for a cause

Venezuelan artist Angel Mieres celebrating the end of a series of workshops to benefit kids of all ages in the King Low Heywood School in Stamford ,CT. Art with a cause: social responsibility.

Ángel Mieres Donates Artwork to King Low Heywood School’s Permanent Collection

Take a look at the painting that Mieres kindly gave to the community of students and teachers at KLH in Stamford.

Press Release: Show of Contemporary Latin American Art

We’re posting here a press release featured in Correo Cultural – an online publication promoting the arts in Latin America. The article includes a full list of the artists who exhibited at the VAS launch show last Thursday.

What people are saying about VAS….

Since our launch we’ve been inundated with phonecalls and emails from people! Thanks so much to everyone for your feedback!

Visiting Artists Wrap Up Week at King Low Heywood School

On their blog King for a Day, King Low Heywood school posted this great recap of the art workshop that Margaret Salazar, Solange Salazar and Ángel Mieres carried out with students and the art department.